ADA Consulting

Accessibility is good for business

According to the CDC, one in four US adults are living with a disability.  Ensuring your business is accessible by having inclusive language, an accessible building, and HR policies to support employee reasonable accommodation requests is essential to serving 25% of the public and your staff.  

wheelchair, disability, injured

consulting and staff training

I have over a decade of experience in disability services with an emphasis on community engagement and public training.  My areas of expertise are in programatic accessibility, document accessibility, service animal awareness, disability etiquette, inclusive language, and internal HR policies related to reasonable accommodation requests and interactive processes. I’ve worked with many organizations by providing staff training, programmatic review, and accessibility recommendations. 

Americans with disabilities act

The Americans with Disabilities Act was signed into law in 1990.  Understanding and implementing the ADA is essential and can be confusing for businesses.  The ADA has 5 titles that cover different entities:

  • Title I – Employment: covers the accommodations employers need to make for staff and applicants
  • Title II – Public Services: covers state and federal government
  • Title III – Public Accommodations: covers any space open to the public and run by private businesses
  • Title IV – Telecommunication
  • Title V – Miscellaneous: covers general information, outdoor spaces, and insurance providers